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Crediting the invoice

How to credit an invoice, creating a credit

Updated over 2 months ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Project Manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator

Creating a Normal Credit Note

Credit notes are created for invoices when there is a dispute about the amount the client will pay for the invoice, or you wish to discount an invoice.

  1. Open the Project Menu > Financials > Invoices.

  2. Click the invoice for which you want to create the credit note.

  3. Click the page actions button (grey ellipses at the top right) and select the 'Credit or Cancel Invoice' option.

  4. Select the 'credit note' option. This will create a Draft Credit document.

  5. Enter the following general (optional) credit note details:
    Reason (Credit note text) - type a reason to explain why this credit note is being created. This can be printed on a credit note document.
    Prefix and number - select an alternate credit note number prefix, or leave it as default (the next available number in the sequence).
    Credit date - set the date for the credit note document. The default date will be the date of the invoice.

  6. In the stages table create the credit note value by entering either the percentage or dollar value that you want to credit (ex tax) for each of the stages.

  7. Check that value for the credit note is correct in the totals section.

  8. If you need to save this to come back later, click Save Draft at the top right.

    If you are finished and can click Save and Finalise at the bottom right to action this credit.

Once you've finalised it the screen will refresh and you have the option to view the credit and save a copy of the credit document or return to the invoice page.

Creating a Credit Return to WIP

A Credit Return to WIP can be used to remove transactions from an invoice to be invoiced again later. It will apply a credit to the current invoice for the difference, reducing the owing amount.

  1. Open the Project Menu > Financials > Invoices.

  2. Click the invoice for which you want to create the credit note.

  3. Click the page actions button (grey ellipses at the top right) and select the 'Credit or Cancel Invoice' option.

  4. Select the 'Credit return to WIP' option. This will create a Draft Return to WIP document.

  5. Enter the following general (optional) credit note details:
    Reason (Credit note text) - type a reason to explain why this credit note is being created. This can be printed on a credit note document.
    Prefix and number - select an alternate credit note number prefix, or leave it as default (the next available number in the sequence).
    Credit date - set the date for the credit note document. The default date will be the date of the invoice.

  6. In the stages table you will see a list of all active stages on the project. Stages that are on this invoice will be highlighted in green.
    You will first need to select the transactions you wish to return to WIP. Click on any stage that is included in the invoice to see a list of transactions for that stage.

  7. Deselect any transactions you wish to return to WIP by using the check boxes on the left side. The charge value for these transactions will show that they are being returned to WIP.

    At the bottom you will need to enter a new invoice value. This value can be whatever you like, but if you want to make sure it's accurate to what transactions remain on the invoice, you can see the new charge value of the remaining transactions on the right side:

    You will also be able to see the value of the transactions you are returning to WIP at the bottom left.

  8. Once you have entered the new invoice value, click Save at the top right. Repeat steps 6 - 8 for every stage you wish to return to WIP.

  9. Check that value for the credit note is correct in the totals section.

  10. If you need to save this to come back later, click Save Draft at the top right.

    If you are finished and can click Save and Finalise at the bottom right to action this credit.

Once you've finalised it the screen will refresh and you have the option to view the credit and save a copy of the credit document or return to the invoice page.

Fixed fee and % of contract

You will need to have at least one transaction selected in the invoice.

You are not able to return transactions more than the total invoice value. If you need to return a whole stage to WIP you will need to cancel the invoice instead.

Capped rates

In the Capped rate with value change markup page, you will need to deselect the transactions you want to return to WIP.

What about hourly fees?

If you have hourly transactions you want to return to WIP, you can only select individual transactions and not an amount. The transactions left unchecked, are excluded from the WIP calculations.

Invoices with Pre-billed amounts

You will only be able to return transactions on stages without the pre-billed status even if they have had WIP added through the 'post-billing' function.


  • You cannot cancel an invoice or create a credit note while there is a draft credit return to WIP attached to the invoice.

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