Edition: All products
User-level: Director and above
The staff calendar allows you to set customised weekly and daily working hours for each staff member, providing a record of their workweek in Synergy.
How to access the staff calendar
organisation menu > Staff
Click into a staff member
Staff menu > Personal Calendar
or alternatively 'staff tab > Synergy HR > Calendar' if you have the synergy HR add-on enabled.
What is the staff calendar and why use it?
Use the Calendar tab to set the staff member’s working day. By default, new staff members inherit their working hours from the financial controls.
For part-time staff, updating the Staff Calendar ensures their actual hours are accurately reflected in Synergy. This is crucial for correct timesheets, especially if Timesheet Approvals are enabled.
Note: The Staff Calendar is also used in the Missing Timesheets and Leaderboard Reports to verify that each person has logged the required hours.
Updating the staff calendar
Update the working days/hours
Open the staff members record.
Go to 'staff tab > Personal > Calendar' or alternatively 'staff tab > Synergy HR > Calendar' (Synergy HR users)
Set the 'start' date for when these working hours will begin.
Enter the number of hours to be worked against each day of the week. e.g. Enter 8 hours against Monday to Friday for standard working hours.
Undo the last change.
If you have updated the staff record by mistake, then use the 'undo last change' option to remove the top row shown in the history panel.
To complete this click the '...' in the top right, and select 'undo the last change'.
Once you have done this don't forget to save any changes and your staff member will be ready to enter timesheets that reflect their true working week.