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Viewing Subscription Invoices

This article will explain how to view your subscription invoice and how to export payment history.

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-Level: System Administrator

Previous steps: Subscription Payments

For every payment you make to Synergy, you will have an invoice. This will include smaller ADHOC payments for things such as additional licenses, or Add-ons you've added during the month.
A downloadable account audit is also available from your Subscription page for System Administrators. This includes Subscription payments and any credits applied and used.

Note: This does not include invoices for Professional Services such as custom templates/reports, or consulting - these are invoiced outside of Synergy and will be sent to you directly via Email.

Viewing your Subscription payments (invoices):

  1. Navigate to the Subscription page via the Organisation dropdown > Subscription.

  2. The "Subscription payments" panel is located on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. Click on the "Open invoice" link to view the invoice.​

  4. To print the invoice, click on the printer icon to the left of the "Back" button.

  5. Click the "Back" button to return to the subscription page.


Viewing your Subscription payment history:

  1. Navigate to the Subscription page via the Organisation dropdown > Subscription.

  2. On the right-hand side of the subscriptions page, click the "Subscription payments" heading.

  3. A full history of your subscription payments is displayed. Invoices can be opened from this list by clicking the number in the Invoice number column.

  4. Click the ellipses button at the top right and select "Export subscription payment" to export the list as an Excel report.

  5. Click "Back to subscription" to return to the main subscription page.

Exporting your Subscription payment history:

  1. Navigate to the Subscription page via the Organisation dropdown > Subscription.

  2. At the top right of the subscriptions page, click the down arrow on the "Edit" button and select Export subscription payments.

  3. An Excel file titled "Subscription Payments-yyyy-mm-dd" will download with the entries sorted in ascending date order.

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