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Project portal access

How portal access works, and how to configure access for contacts and staff

Updated over 3 years ago

The project portal allows your team of external contacts or internal staff to have a central location to view project documents and comment or chat about project tasks.

Portal access has to be enabled for each person in the project contacts tab that you want to be able to use the portal. This applies to both external project contacts (personnel at a company or individual type contacts), or internal staff.

Choose which contacts have full portal access, or which have restricted portal access, or no access for the portal.

Select which project team members will have access to the project portal by:

  1. Select the Edit button next to a project contact.

  2. Select the 'Change portal access' option.

  3. Use the change portal access window to:

    -Add extra contacts to the portal - select the contact/personnel details, the contact role, and then select which level of portal access is allowed.

    -Update portal access for the current project contacts - use the portal access column in the contacts table to choose an access level for each contact.

  4. A portal invitation email is sent to this project contact, with the access link to open the Synergy project portal section.


  • Once the project contact has logged into the portal, then the portal access symbol will become green. Hover over this to see the last time that contact accessed the portal (date and time).

  • All project contacts added can have 'portal access' by default using the organization settings for privacy. This can be configured by your System Administrator.

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