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Project details
Updated over a week ago

When an existing project is opened the project details tab is shown to give the user a read-only summary of the project. Click the edit button to change any of the project general information, or navigate to one of the other tabs or pages in the project.

Setup required before use

Who can use it?

Where is it?


Assistant project manager*

Project manager

Director access

Assistant system administrator

System administrator

*Can view projects only.

Project Manager level or higher required to add new projects.

Projects > Add

Projects > Edit

What is the project details tab?

The project details tab displays a read only project summary with general project information displayed like project title, site address, internal project manager, project status (proposal vs active confirmed work), and a project description as a scope of work. Click the edit button to update the project details, or use this as a launch page to navigate to the other project tabs.

Tip: Use the extras panel to see which staff member created the project or last updated the project.

Why use the project details tab?

Summary of the project that can be viewed by all staff. View and update the project details that can be shown on Synergy documents and reports.

Project details tab

The project details tab has two views, the edit view which lets you update the project details, and the read-only view shows a summary of the entered general project details. Any fields not entered in the edit view are hidden in the read only view. Click the 'edit' button in the top left corner of the read-only view to update the project details.

Actions available

When you open the project to the read only view the current project level status is shown. If you have project manager access level or higher then you can change the project status to a different status option by:

  1. Edit the project status by: Click the status edit button on the read only view. Click the 'edit' button in the top right corner of the read only project view and then click the edit status button.

  2. Check the box next to the project level status that you want to use.

  3. (Optional) Check the box(es) for any stages which also need a status change.

  4. Select the 'new status' from the list.

  5. Save and close.


  • Learn more about the project status options and how they change what actions are available for the project in Synergy.

  • Simple projects do not have any stages. Due to this only the 'project level' status needs to be updated. Full work breakdown projects have both a project and a stage level status. Learn more about the simple and full work breakdown options.

After the project has been created you can edit the project number if required. The project number is made up of three parts a prefix, a unique number, and a suffix. The combination of the three parts makes a unique number for the project which can be searched for in Synergy, and shown on project documents and reports.

Edit the project number by:

  1. Open the project.

  2. Select the 'edit' button in the top right corner.

  3. Select the edit the project number button in the 'project #' field.

  4. Update the project number by optionally editing any of these fields: Prefix - select a prefix from the drop down list. Learn more about setting option project prefixes. Number - use the 'refresh' button to select the next available number in the sequence for the prefix. Or over type the number is shown in the field if you know what number you want to use. Note: The number cannot have been used on an existing project using the selected prefix. Suffix - type the letters or numbers required to be the project number suffix.

  5. Save.


  • Project number combination must be unique, This means the same prefix, number, and suffix cannot be used on more than one project.

  • Learn more about project numbering options.

Populate the project site address fields using one of the addresses entered on a project contact. The site address field lets you copy the address from the primary contact selected when creating the project, or from one of the many project contacts later when editing the project details.

Update the project site address by:

  1. Open the project.

  2. Select the 'edit' button in the top right corner.

  3. In the site address box select the 'copy from contact' button.

  4. Select an address required from the list shown. The list has the contact name, followed by each address stored against that contact.

  5. Save.

Tip: If the address is not saved against the contact, you can also type the required address into these fields.

Open the entered site address in Google Maps by either:

  • Opening the project to the read only page and selecting the map button next to the address.

  • Or open the project in edit mode, then select the map button next to the site address heading.

After entering the project site address you can use Synergy to look-up the latitude and longitude details by:

  1. Open the project and click the 'edit' button in the top right corner.

  2. In the site address field make sure the address has been entered.

  3. Click the update latitude and longitude details button.

  4. The latitude and longitude fields are updated with these details from Google maps.

  5. Once the latitude and longitude fields are populated the option to open Google maps is available. This will open the Google maps using the latitude and longitude details.

  6. Save.

A project can only be deleted if it is at proposal status, and if no timesheets or expense entries exist.

Delete a project by:

  1. Open the project you want to delete.

  2. Click the edit button in the read only view on the project details tab.

  3. Click the actions button in the top right and select 'delete' from the list.

  4. Click the 'delete' button on the confirmation page.

  5. You are now returned to project list which is refreshed to show that the project has been deleted.

Tip: Once the project is active, or has attached transactions or invoices then it cannot be deleted. Try changing the project status to complete or unsuccessful to hide it from the default project list view.

  • Change the project status

  • View the details of the main project contacts

  • View the project site address in Google maps

  • Click on a tag and search for all the projects that have that tag applied

  • Go to the audit log for the open project

Tip: Edit the project and add the site address or tags to be able to see these action buttons in the read only view.

Fields available

The following fields can be seen when either creating a new project, or when editing the general details of an existing project.

  1. Project # or custom project number: When creating a new project the default project number option is applied by default, unless the 'custom project number' option is selected. The custom project number is created by selecting the 'project # rule' to build the prefix, and also the rule defines the length of the unique identifier number. A project number is mandatory. In an existing project the project number is shown as read only. The project number can be changed by selecting the edit button . View the project numbering topic to learn more.

  2. Name Enter the name that the project will be referred to as in your company. This may be the name of the building or company that the project is for, instead of the site address. This is a mandatory field.

  3. External name: Enter a title of the project, the formal name of the project as it's known by external parties or as per the name on the contract. Display this information on documents and reports created in Synergy. This is a mandatory field.

  4. Status: The current status of this project is shown. Project Manager access level (or higher) is required to be able to change the status. The initial default status of a new project is 'proposal'. This is a mandatory field. Learn more about project status options.

  5. Project type: The type of project or project portfolio is shown. Setup the project types for your organization in the project list settings area. The code and name for the project type is shown in the drop down list when editing the project details.

  6. Client reference number (Optional extra) enter any client reference numbers or a client project name for the project. This can be shown on Synergy documents and reports.

  7. Start date: Select the expected start date for the project work from the calender, or type the date into the field.

  8. End date: (Optional extra) select the potential end date for the project work, or type the date into the field.

  9. Scope of work: Enter a description of the work to be completed for this project. This is an overview of the project work for all the phases and stages. The scope of work can be displayed in Synergy documents and reports.

  10. Billable or non billable: Select if the project is a billable project that will have invoices created and sent to a client contact, or a non-billable project to track time spent on internal tasks. Non-billable projects do not allow invoices to be created.

  11. Fee: For a simple project structure a flat fee can be entered to be invoiced for the project. This is the maximum dollar value that can be invoiced for the project, and is normally called the agreed fee. Project fees can only be defined for a simple work breakdown structure.

  12. Work breakdown template: Use a work breakdown template to create the phases, stages and tasks automatically using the template structure. If the work breakdown template option is chosen, then a project fee cannot be entered. The project fee will be created from the sum of the stage level agreed fees when using a full work breakdown structure. *Phases are only available in the Synergy Business and Enterprise products.

  13. Manager: Which internal staff member is the project manager. Any staff member in your organization that has project manager or higher access level can be set as the project manager. This is a mandatory field.

  14. Primary contact: Select the main person to contact about project. Normally the client, or the person that makes project decisions.

  15. Invoice contact: Who the project invoices should be addressed to in the 'attention to' fields and mailed to by default.

  16. C / O contact: A third party that the invoice should be emailed or posted to, when the invoice contact does not want to be mailed any documents.

  17. Tags: Enter extra data to search by as a tag for the project. Multiple tags can be entered on any project. This can be extra data about the project, or client, or any other data that would help your team. Tags can be seen in the project list, in reports and document outputs.

  1. Notes: The most recent notes you have added to the project are shown, along with an option to add 'project level' notes to track details about the project meetings, phone calls, and work. Find these notes also on the project notes tab.

  2. Contacts: The main project contacts are shown in the read only view. View who is listed as the project manager, the primary contact, and the invoice contact. Click the person button to view the contact details. Learn more about adding project contacts.

  3. Project images: Image carousel is shown with the highlighted project images showing. Images here have been selected to be 'added to the dashboard' in either the project documents or project images tab.

  4. Reports: The reports panel is populated once transactions and invoices exist. Quick snapshot summary charts are shown to give you a summary of the project to date. Click on the report to view a larger display of the details.

  5. Extras: The date the project was first created, and last modified is shown, along with who completed the action. Click the project audit button to view more details about changes made in the project.

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