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Global Search

This article explains the global search function in Synergy

Updated this week

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: All users

Previous steps: N/A

The global search function in Synergy allows a fast and easy way to find what you are looking for, by using keywords. You can search across all the organisation's projects, contacts, documents, invoices and emails that are inside of Synergy.

Use the search bar in the Synergy header to type your query.

What is searched?

When using the global search in Synergy, you can search for the following fields:



Searched areas or field names


Project number

Project name

Project external name


Contact company name

Contact first and last name

Email address

Job title


Document number

Document name

Document type

  • Word

  • PDF

  • Excel

  • Powerpoint

  • Other

Transmittal date

Document library folder


Invoice number

Invoice title




Date sent/received

Email subject

Global search security settings are set to be the same as a project. If a user has access to a project, they are able to search and access everything that has been filed against the project, including emails.

Search result ranking

Global search allows you to search through the projects, documents, contacts, invoices and emails that you are linked to. The Synergy search engine will find the best result based on your input and will order by relevance in a list.

Searching by Project

When searching for projects by the number or name a prepopulated list will appear with the jobs. Once you click on an option you will be taken to the project page.

Highlighted text

The highlighted text in each search result helps find the keyword that the search has been matched to. This can help you find if you have searched for the correct item or if you need to narrow your search criteria down further.

More information

In each search result, there is more information below the title to provide you with more context about the result our search engine found.

For example, when searching for a project, the result will also display:

  • The organization

  • The office

  • The country

  • The Project description

The result will also show the date it was last changed in our system. This is designed to help you understand if the results are relevant based on its modification date.


Currently, on the global search results page, you are able to filter your results using two different filters.

  1. Filter by Result type

  2. Filter by Date

  3. Change the amount of search items per page (5, 10, 20, 50, 100)

Note: For date filtering, it is searching for the date last modified for projects, contacts and documents.

  • For invoices, the date filter is dependant on the invoice date creation.

  • For emails, the date filter is dependant on the date the email was sent or received in your mail client, not the date you filed it in Synergy on.

Fuzzy search

If a spelling mistake has occurred, results will display up to two letter or number errors.

For example, if you were to search for ‘John Smoth’ instead of ‘John Smith’. We will first search for John Smoth to try and find an exact match, but we will also for John Smith and along with a number of other combinations we think you could have been searching for.

If you search for only two letters or numbers, our search engine will try to find exact matches and then match you to a substantial number of matches on our system.


Each search result provides you with different navigation options depending on the result type. The navigation options are provided in the table below:


Navigation options



Project contacts

Work breakdown

























Searching for emails

Use the document type or date filter to narrow down your results.

What you can search for in emails:

  • Email address (To, From, CC)

  • Subject line

  • Email creation date

Note: Search will only pick up emails that have been filed to Synergy using the Synergy Outlook Add-in

Enable the Outlook Connector in Synergy to file emails in their native email format. This allows you to keep your email attachments together with the email and give you the ability to open the email in Outlook again.

To learn how to enable this see our Outlook Connector help

Can I search for deleted items in the global search?

The database the search results come from is indexed(refreshed) every Sunday, so you can continue to search for things that have been deleted from Monday-Saturday, however they will only provide a preview of the result. When you click on the result it will take you to your Profile page, as the data is no longer available.

Where to next?

What other features does this relate to?


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