Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: All
Use the missing timesheets dashboard report to view at a glance what days of a month you have not recorded your expected units of time and how much your daily recorded timesheets are worth in dollar value.
What does the missing timesheets dashboard report show?
The missing timesheets report allows you to view, at a glance the days in a month of which you have not recorded your expected units of time and the dollar value of expenses recorded for each day.
The days in red alert you to days that are missing timesheets. If the red line is full, it signals that no time has been recorded that day. The days in green mean that you have recorded your expected amount of time. If the line is partially red and partially green, it signals that you have recorded some of your expected time for that day but not all. The days in grey are days that you are not available to work and therefore are not expected to enter any timesheets.
If expenses have been entered against a day in the cash or travel expenses tabs, then a red dot will display against that day.
How is the missing timesheets dashboard report calculated?
Each staff record is setup with a number of working hours expected per day, which is used to calculate the missing timesheet days. Expense amounts are summed to create the total expense value entered for each day.
Actions available
Hover over a day on the missing timesheets calendar to bring up the tooltip. The tooltip shows how many hours have been recorded that day as well as the total dollar value of expenses recorded for the day.
You can also toggle between the month you want to view your missing timesheets for by using the backward and forward arrows.
How often does the missing timesheets report update?
The missing timesheets dashboard report updates periodically throughout the day.