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How to delete tasks

Delete tasks, tasks, remove tasks

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Project manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator

Before deleting tasks ensure the following criteria is met:

  • There are no transactions attached to the tasks

  • No budget has been added for this task

  1. Organisation menu > projects

  2. Open the project you want to delete a task for

  3. Project menu > Plan > Work breakdown

  4. Open the stage the task you want to delete is under by selecting the arrow on the left-hand side

  5. Hover over the task and select the red x on the right-hand side

  6. Save in the top right

The task will be removed from the work breakdown.


  • If transactions have been assigned to the task, it will be locked and needs to be transferred to a new stage before it can be deleted.

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